In an unexpected turn of events, Apple managed to overtake Korean tech giant Samsung’s lead in global smartphone shipments in the final quarter of 2021, according to recent reports. So what does the biggest smartphone manufacturer have planned for the year ahead? For...
iPhones are one of the most in-demand phones globally but it’s not only for new iPhones. Refurbished iPhones and other electronic devices have picked up huge demand and in total this market is now at a valuation to $5.7 billion. With this huge market emerging we urge...
Apple has recently announced that there will be an exciting event on October 18th surrounding the release of new MacBooks, a Mac Mini and a new set of AirPods. According to The Verge, this event was highly anticipated and the invitation video gives us just one word to...
iOS 15 was announced on June 7th 2021, and is slated to launch in the northern hemisphere Autumn. Apple fanatics are very excited for the upcoming release, as it makes a lot of fan-desired changes to the sleek and minimal operating system. We’re sharing our top 4 new...
These days, keeping your kids safe can be easier than telling them to “be home at 6” and hope for the best. Apple Watches can now assist you with keeping tabs on your child and having peace of mind knowing where they are, and that you can get notifications if they’re...
Whether you’re single, taken, or ‘it’s complicated,’ we have three apps that you can download to make your Valentine’s Day even more eventful – perfect for those of us who will be spending Valentine’s Day at home, or maybe getting takeout. Alice Legends Alice...