
Google Mobile is Getting a Makeover

Google Mobile is Getting a Makeover

It’s safe to say that Google has been on a bit of a redesign binge over the past few months, updating a number of icons including, Gmail, Maps, Drive, Meet and Calendar (to mixed reviews). It seems that the streak is spilling over into 2021, this time with the mobile...
How a Pandemic Sparked the QRevolution

How a Pandemic Sparked the QRevolution

QR codes have been on the scene for a few years, but today you can’t set foot in a public setting without seeing them! While prior to COVID-19 none of us had a second thought about touching a menu, placing a face-to-face order, punching numbers into a card machine, or...
Your iPhone is Your New Bedtime Companion

Your iPhone is Your New Bedtime Companion

Apple’s recent Bedtime Mode addition is set to herald the snores of users the world over. “Why not just use a regular alarm?” we hear you ask. Let’s explore some of the features of Bedtime Mode and how they can make counting sheep a thing of the past. How much sleep...
Things You Can Do With Your Smartphone in 2021

Things You Can Do With Your Smartphone in 2021

These days, a smartphone is so much more than something to simply call, text and browse social media with. We thought we’d share with you just how versatile smartphones can be. Here are 3 things you can do with your smartphone that you wouldn’t normally expect....
How To Set Up A Tik Tok Account

How To Set Up A Tik Tok Account

TikTok is taking app stores by storm with more than 500 million monthly active users.  Gen-Zers are flocking to the app but many businesses are also exploring the app for video marketing opportunities. The best way to get to know an app is to engage with it via your...
How To Forget A Network On Mac

How To Forget A Network On Mac

It comes in quite handy when your computer remembers familiar networks without you having to grant permission to connect every time. However, sometimes you might have difficulty with your home or work Wi-Fi, which could be easily fixed by simply removing the network...
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