Tips & Tricks

Easily Share Your Wi-Fi Password

Easily Share Your Wi-Fi Password

You know that dreaded moment when you have guests over and they ask for the Wi-Fi password? Now you have to read out a complicated string of letters, numbers, and symbols, or worse – walk to the router and try to figure out where the password is located. Luckily for...
A How-to-Guide for Instagram Notes

A How-to-Guide for Instagram Notes

Have you heard of Instagram’s big new feature? We’re well into 2023, so chances are you’ve come across a few of your friends ‘Notes’ on Instagram. This latest feature is like a mini-blog within your Instagram account and it’s perfect for those times when you...
What is ChatGPT and How Do I Use It?

What is ChatGPT and How Do I Use It?

Developed by OpenAI, also known for giving us the text-to-image generator DALL-E – ChatGPT is a general-purpose chatbot prototype, specifically designed for chat applications.    What Exactly Does This Mean?    The model has been trained on a massive dataset...
Use Shazam Without Downloading the App on Your iPhone

Use Shazam Without Downloading the App on Your iPhone

No app? No problem! Apple’s iOS 14.2 update had some iconic new updates, like the “frustrated Italian hand gesture” emoji. It also snuck in a very handy feature – the ability to add Shazam song identification to your iPhone Control Center. And the best part? You don’t...
Here’s How To Clear Your Instagram Cache

Here’s How To Clear Your Instagram Cache

If your Instagram is glitching, or you simply want to spring clean your searches for the New Year, it’s easy to delete your Instagram cache on both iPhone and Android.    Clear Your Instagram App Cache on Android   The process might differ depending on your...
Send Yourself A Message on Whatsapp, It Could Be Extremely Useful 

Send Yourself A Message on Whatsapp, It Could Be Extremely Useful 

Whatsapp, available on both Android and IOS has introduced a new feature that lets you send yourself messages. Which is super useful to jot down notes, your grocery list, reminders, share photos between your laptop and smartphone – or anything really. You’re also able...
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