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Have you heard of Instagram’s big new feature? We’re well into 2023, so chances are you’ve come across a few of your friends ‘Notes’ on Instagram. This latest feature is like a mini-blog within your Instagram account and it’s perfect for those times when you just have to spill your thoughts but don’t have a blog (or don’t feel like starting one).

Intrigued? Here’s how to get around the hype!


How To Create a Note


To create a Note, simply go to your profile and tap on the “New Post” button. From there, you’ll see the option to create a Note. Once you’ve tapped on that, you can add text, hashtags, and even pictures! You can even customize your note by changing the background color, font, and adding bullet points to make it more readable.

One of the best things about Notes is that you can use them to express yourself in different ways. Here are a few ideas of what you can use Notes for:

  • A personal diary entry where you can talk about your day and how you’re feeling.
  • A mini-review of that new restaurant you tried and share pictures of your meal.
  • A funny story that happened to you today, complete with screenshots or pictures to make it more entertaining.
  • A motivational message to your followers, complete with inspiring quotes and pictures.
  • A list of your favorite things, like books, movies, or music.
  • A tutorial or how-to guide, complete with step-by-step instructions and pictures.

And the best part? You can make your Notes public or private! So if you’re feeling like a secret diary type of day, go for private. But if you want the world to know your thoughts, make it public. And if you want your friends to see it, make it friends-only.

So what are you waiting for? Start scribbling your thoughts and show the world what’s on your mind. Who knows, you might even become the next big Insta-blogger! And if you’re not ready to share your thoughts yet, that’s okay too. You can always save the note as a draft and come back to it later.

Happy Note-ing!

Source: Makeuseof

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