WhatsApp will add encrypted video calling to their list of privacy checks, following end-to-end encryption for messages and calls earlier in 2016. What is encryption? Encryption means that messages, calls, video, etc. are mixed up and scrambled so that hackers or...
Apple is set to release wireless earbuds called AirPods any day now. What are AirPods and how do they work? AirPods are essentially wireless earphones. These AirPods work by connecting to any Apple device and simply tapping “connect”. However, in order for these...
Apple has been granted a patent – U.S. Patent No. 9,488,488, purchased by Apple from Flyby Media Inc. Regents of the University of Minnesota – for an augmented reality mapping system, building on the startup WiFiSLAM technology that the company acquired in...
If you have a business and use Instagram for this purpose, you are bound to have seen the new Instagram Business Profile. So what is it, what does it entail, and should you get it? Read on to find out: What is it? While it doesn’t have as many features compared to...
The social media platform Snapchat, beloved and utilised by mostly millennials and generation-Z, has been valued at around 16 billion dollars (you do the maths). While not quite as popular as Instagram and Facebook, there is certainly something to say for this...
Considering a mobile phone upgrade? It’s possible someone you know has recently acquired the new iPhone 7, or 7 plus. Apple announced its new cellular device in September 2016. We’ve highlighted its best new features: Improved battery life The iPhone 7 reaches nearly...