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We live in a world where every moment is constantly captured. And if you’re going to snap every special occasion, you’re going to want to get it right!

Here are 10 top tips to photograph like a pro with your iPhone so you can increase your double-taps on Instagram, your likes on Facebook and your followers on SnapChat.

1. Action Shots

Hold the camera’s shutter down to take multiple photos in rapid succession to capture the perfect action shot.This is called “burst mode.”

2. Foodie Snaps

Turn the flash off before capturing foodie snaps. The flash will alter the colour of the gorgeous meal you’re about to eat, making it look less delicious than it does to the naked eye.

miss_faiza on Instagram

miss_faiza on Instagram

3. Keep it Classic!

Change things up by converting a pic to black and white. This helps especially if you’re shooting in low light. With colour images everywhere, your black and white image is bound to stand out.

bakedtheblog on Instagram

bakedtheblog on Instagram

4. Get closer…

Try not to zoom when you can just lean in a bit closer to get a clear crisp shot. If you can’t get too close, rather crop the photo after you’ve taken it.

5. Try a Tripod

Use your iPhone headphones as a remote and a tripod as a stand to avoid shaky selfies.

theexpressionist on Instagram

theexpressionist on Instagram

6. Go for the Grid

Use the iPhone’s grid feature to help you to compose your shots. To turn it on, go to: Settings -> Photos and Camera -> Enable Grid Feature.

dankhole on Instagram

dankhole on Instagram


7. Stay focused

Tap on the screen in the camera viewer to change the focus of the image. Alternatively, you can cap on the screen to adjust the lighting.

peet_m on Instagram

peet_m on Instagram

8. Go for Macro

Use an external wide-angle lens for close-up shots. Try a macro lens.

ferntographer on Instagram

ferntographer on Instagram

9. Brighter is best

Adjust the photo’s brightness and saturation before selecting a filter. Often, they do more than a filter can and you might be able to skip the filter altogether.

allanjyoung on Instagram

allanjyoung on Instagram

10. Snap snap snap!

You won’t always get it right, but practice does make perfect, especially with capturing images.

waafiqah on Instagram

waafiqah on Instagram




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