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So you’ve downloaded Tiktok, but how do you start seeing the content you actually want to see? Unlike more traditional social media platforms where your feed is curated by the accounts you choose to follow, TikTok uses an algorithm to curate a highly personalised (and highly addictive) feed of videos. 

For You, really means For You as the algorithm can get shockingly specific gathering videos it thinks you’ll like. For instance, the algorithm can get as niche as a specific brand of Ramen you’re currently obsessed with. TikTok’s algorithm doesn’t get this precise by itself. It takes time and effort to tailor the videos perfectly to your tastes.

So while TikTok eventually learns the type of videos you like, it can be challenging to find content that appeals to you when your account is brand new. First, the For You page will typically show mega-viral videos from the app’s most popular users. To curate your feed for you, there are a few steps you can take.

Search For Topics

From air fryer recipes to destination-specific travel tips, there is so much interesting content to tap into. Search for topics you’d like to explore by tapping on the Search icon on the top-right corner of your home screen. 

A search is an easy way to find various videos with different hashtags and music. Liking videos and following creators will help ensure that the type of content you enjoy comes up on your For You page.

Click On Sounds

The more the algorithm learns about you, the more you’ll start to notice trends within whatever TikTok rabbit hole you’ve fallen down. These trends are sometimes built around sounds. The sounds can be audio clips from popular media, music, or even audio created by another user. 

Obsessed with the sound? In the bottom-right corner of a video, you’ll see a rotating circle; this is where the sound lives. By clicking on this, it’s easy to find other videos that use the same one. 

Excited to get started? Take a little time to build up patterns. When the algorithm begins to do the work for you, TikTok can be a great tool to learn new things, socialise or pass the time. Just be careful — it’s easy to suddenly lose hours of your day! 

Source: The Verge

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