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If you haven’t already started automating your home life – where have you been? Did you know that smart home automations can make your life easier and more efficient, giving you all the time in the world to hang out with your friends and family, enjoy life’s fleeting moments and even catch up on that TV show you’ve been meaning to watch. Here are 5 of the most efficient, time saving gadgets that you can put into your home right now!

Smart Assistant

A smart assistant is the beating heart of any smart home. It’s up to you to choose which assistant you’d like, from Google Home better suited to Android devices to Apple Home for Apple Devices. Your smart assistant integrates everything from just one voice command from you or your family members. It’s as easy as “Ok Google, turn on the washing machine.”

Smart Appliances

These days, smart appliances are endless; if it’s a wifi capable device or a device linked to a smart plug in your home, everything can be automated and integrated seamlessly. These can include any appliance from the fridge and washing machine to the TV and lighting in your humble abode.

Control Panel

While a smart assistant is great, it’s also a good idea to have a home control panel in the shape of a tablet or iPad. This allows you to turn things on and off at the touch of a button, including your garage door and smart home security system.

Vacuum and Mopping Robot

Cleaning? That doesn’t sound fun. Especially mopping and vacuuming. You can get a smart mop/vacuum device that runs around your house on a schedule that you create, so that you can wake up to or come home to a sparkling clean floor.

Lawn Mowing Robot

Do you or your spouse absolutely despise cutting that darned grass? You could swear it grows overnight. Well, no more. Lawn mowing robots keep your grass manicured and healthy, cutting it more frequently than you care to and keeping your lawn braai-ready at a moment’s notice.

And there you go! There are 5 simple and effective ways to free up your time, keep your house clean and cozy, and without even lifting a finger. This is just the tip of the iceberg though – so let us know if you want more Smart Home tips!

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